
这是一种没有明确提升你的提升. Instead, 您提供信息-博客条目, social media posts, videos, fliers, 人们觉得有用的电子邮件, 这些材料会让你对2021十大正规彩票app服务产生兴趣.

内容营销并不难做,但做得好需要努力. 根据LinkedIn内容营销报告, 72% of businesses like yours that use content marketing have a content strategy. 另外28%的人怎么了? They may not understand the power of content marketing or perhaps gave it a try without a clear strategy for success.

Without a plan, you’re spraying content to the world, hoping for a few leads. Improve your odds by following these tips to generate a plan that benefits your business.

People spend an average of 1.花7秒钟看手机上的内容

Source: Facebook

Be engaging

无论是在线还是印刷,世界上从不缺乏内容. If you get someone to notice your marketing, how will you get them to read it?

你的营销应该吸引读者,甚至引起他们的兴趣. 要做到这一点,你必须想出潜在的内容创意.

即使是专业作家,产生想法也会让他们瘫痪, 但内容生成并不一定是痛苦的.

Follow the popular advice “write what you know” and create a list of topics where you have expertise.


人们对故事有反应,所以想办法把你的话题变成故事. For example, 如果你喜欢去你所在地区的烧烤店, don’t simply list the best ones; tell the story of the time you first visited your favorite barbecue spot.

Also keep in mind that most of your ideas have been done before—and that’s OK. Look at other people’s content for inspiration and put your personal spin on them. 或者在他们的工作基础上加上评论.

Content marketing—all marketing, really—works best when you plan and invest in your efforts. Give your audience information that interests them that you can provide—without selling yourself. 最终,您将受益于成为一个值得信赖的来源.


Source: Statistica


你已经投入了大量的精力去创造优秀的内容. 不要因为别人看不懂而失去他们.

If an infographic that looks great on your desktop displays as too big or too small in an email, 你的听众会在没有阅读的情况下删除信息. Likewise, 你在社交媒体上发布的照片可能会被拉长, compressed, or otherwise sized wrong. 甚至你的网站也可能不适合移动设备.

Avoid losing people to technical difficulties by testing your content marketing. Email marketing tools have preview functions for various email clients and mobile devices. And social media channels let you look at mobile and desktop previews for ads and paid posts. You can also use free web services that show you what your website will look like on different phones and tablets.


Source: Campaign Monitor

Track your results

You don’t have time to carry out effective content marketing on 17 platforms, 你可能不知道哪些对你的领域最有效. Start with ones you’re most comfortable with; maybe you send emails, post on Facebook, 寄明信片到你的农场.

Whatever methods you use, set up some manner of tracking any contacts generated from your efforts. For example, use an email marketing program that tracks clicks in messages; click the Insights button in Facebook or similar analytics functions in other social channels for data on how many people are seeing your posts; and advertise a landing page on your fliers.

After marketing on these channels for a period of time, review your results. For example, compare the clicks to your website from email messages to clicks on social media posts. The amount of time needed to establish usable results depends on how often you’re putting out content and how many channels you’re using for your marketing. You need to try an approach for weeks or maybe even months before you try something new.

What do those numbers mean?

See how your marketing efforts are working by checking the available data from the communication platform you’re using. Here are some common metrics.

请记住,没有数据是100%正确的. For example, an email that displays in the preview pane of your email program may be tracked as an “open,即使你没有采取任何行动,也没有阅读这条信息. But it’s useful to compare statistics like “opens” over time to see trends.


You’ll need a Facebook Business Page (free) to access the platform’s Insights tool. 该工具中两个更有用的数据点是覆盖面和参与度. Reach is the number of people who’ve had any post from your page displayed on their screen; it doesn’t mean anyone saw it, just that it was displayed. Engagement is the number of times people interacted with your posts through reactions, clicks, comments, and shares.


The Tweets menu on the Analytics page of the Twitter website gives you a good overall look at which of your tweets are most popular. The impressions column shows the number of times a tweet was displayed in users’ feeds, and the engagements column counts the number of times users interacted with that tweet—clicks, retweets, replies, follows, and likes.


Instagram只显示商业资料的Insights, 而且很容易将你的Instagram账户转换为商业个人资料. 然后你就可以访问你的追随者、帖子和故事的数据. 你将获得与Facebook类似的印象、覆盖面和参与度数据.


如果你使用电子邮件营销程序, such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, or VerticalResponse, 看看你的打开率和点击率. 打开率告诉您有多少收件人打开了您的邮件, 而点击率显示了有多少人点击了你邮件中的链接.